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    Ballet Connect Mockup 1
    Ballet Connect Mockup 2

    Engage in a vibrant community by sharing videos and images, participating in challenges, and connecting with friends—all while enjoying seamless integration with Facebook!

    Our Industry Achievements




    Ballet Connect allows users to upload and share videos and images, with direct integration for sharing to Facebook. Users can engage in challenges based on shared media, featuring interactive elements such as voting. 

    The app includes social features that enable users to send challenge requests, follow or unfollow each other, and view a list of voters for challenges.

    A powerful search function allows users to find content and profiles based on criteria such as country, city, name, email, and gender. An intuitive user interface ensures a seamless experience for media management and social engagement.

    Key Features

    • User can upload Image and Video as a post.This post is shown to all users in the app. Other user can vote the post if they like it. Also there are separate list to see the users who voted with there level(Beginner, Intermediate and Professional).
    • Users can apply filter to search the post.Filter includes, Gender, Level, Country, City, Name, Email.
    • User can challenge each other on basis of there post. In reply of challenge user can send image and video of doing challenge.
    • User can upload the post on Facebook also for better reach.


    • Large Video and Image upload on server is biggest challenge.Provide seamlessly user experience with this kind of feature.
    • Playing uploaded video in seamlessaly is also one of challenge.


    • We implemented feature of multipart. Video and Image is uploaded on server in background mode in multi part. So user can use the other feature of app seamlessly.
    • Implement progressive video streaming using HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) or adaptive bitrate streaming to ensure smooth playback even on varying network conditions.

    Transforming Ideas
    into Stunning Designs:
    From Wireframe to Wow!

    Design Tools

    • Adobe XD
    • Invision
    • Photoshop
    Ballet Connect Wireframe

    3rd Party APIs/SDKs/Libraries

    • Alert
    • FBSDK
    • SVProgressHUD
    • SDWebImage
    • TOCropViewController

    With over 12 years of app development experience, we specialize in offering pertinent IT solutions for medium-sized businesses and corporations. We align with your goals, taking pride in our work and our clients.


    Propel your Growth, Partner with the Experts Today!

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